Like a star...

Just like a star across my sky
Just like an angel off the page
You have appeared to my life
Feel like I'll never be the same
Just like a song in my heart
Just like oil on my hands
Honor to love you

Still i wonder why it is
I don't argue like this
With anyone but you
We do it all the time
Blowing out my mind
You've got this look i can't describe
You make me feel like I'm alive
When everything else is a fade
Without a doubt you're on my side
Heaven has been away too long
Can't find the words to write this song
Oh... Your love
Letra aqui 


Bons gostos musicais...
Sílvia Barros disse…
Num t'ouço, mas assim que tiver oportunidade vou ouvir! ;)
Sofia disse…
Gosto imenso da CBR mas a minha música preferida é Put your records on!
Elisabete disse…
Rosinha: Obrigada :)

Sílvia: Ouve sim, é boa! :)
Embora que eu acho que já a deves conhecer!

Sofia: Também gosto dessa, mas esta foi aquela que me ficou no ouvido hoje!

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